Monday, September 2, 2013

Holy Cow I'm Back! Labor Day Madness!

I guess it takes a doozy of a day to get me back on my blog… I'm taking Nana Soup's advice and writing this day down so I don't forget amid my normally very "Groundhog Day" type of days.  Okay, here goes…

I'm here in Toledo visiting my family so we've been really busy.  I always try to pack in as much as possible when we're here.  Yesterday we a bridal shower and then we went to the Fulton County Fair with my mom, brother, sister in law and my niece.  It was a great time and I figured getting Sloane to bed at almost midnight, she'd probably sleep in till at least 9.  I mean, she sometimes sleeps till 9 anyways… I love my little sleeper.  I can count on Reese getting up at 6, eating, then going back down for at least an hour.  So after a long day (heck, a long weekend) I thought I was good for at least 8 hours.  Wrong! Ha, I know most of you are shaking your heads because we all know better…

Reese was up at her typical hour but she didn't stay down very long after eating.  Once she's up I'm up. That's okay, I'll just pour a cup of coffee.  What I didn't count on was Sloane waking up so soon and since she didn't go down till 4 hours past her bedtime, man, was she cranky.  I mean, whiny, cry-y, terrible two's cranky.  So, I thought since Nana Soup was up, I could pawn Reese off and kill two birds with one stone.  I took Sloane upstairs with me to lay back down so we could both get some much needed extra sleep.  Ha ha again, right!?  After an hour of struggling to get her to lay down and close her eyes I gave up.  She wanted Dora band aids and gold fish and teddy bears (Teddy Grahams) and Daddy.  Okay, another cup of coffee.  Now my eye was starting to twitch.  Seriously.  

We (my mom and I) talked about hitting up the zoo since it was beautiful day and I definitely needed someone to help with the girls if I wanted to take them to the zoo.  Sloane is finally old enough to really understand what she's seeing and I love the zoo.  Plus I couldn't wait to show the girls where mommy and daddy got married.  So after battling with the girls over lunch and suckers and getting clothes on, we finally get into the car.  I'm not kidding when I tell you that on our way to the zoo, Sloane never stopped talking and Reese never stopped fussing.  My eye is twitching just a little more.

The zoo was wonderful.  Not too crowded even though it was a holiday, and it was perfect weather.  We started out by seeing some penguins, dingoes, a bear, the tigers and then the African exhibit, which was Sloane's favorite.  She loves elephants.  We saw 4 including the baby.  She was having a blast.  Then we decided to take a snack break and I told Sloane we'd get some ice cream.  "Chocolate with sprinkles!?" Yep, I said feeling all proud for being the coolest mom ever.  We get to the only ice cream stand on that side of the zoo (for those of you that have been to the Toledo Zoo).  The line was horrible but I stood there… finally, third from the front when they announce the ice cream machine is broken.  Commence worsening eye twitch.  It was like out of a movie.  It took about 5 minutes to convince Sloane that we'd get ice cream, just not yet, and we got her focused on more animals.

The second half of the day even went okay.  We saw the primates; some cool monkeys and apes, some seals and polar bears and finally, went on the much anticipated choo choo train where we saw giraffes and zebra's.  It wasn't until we hit the gift shop that the skipped nap really began to rear it's ugly head.  Nana Soup picked up some animals for the girls and we headed on the long trek to the parking lot.  Sloane was throwing a fit and wanted all the toys to herself.  Not being her normal awesome big sister, I reminded her that Santa is watching.  That usually straightens her out.  Not this time.  Getting into the car she was kicking Nana and thought it was funny when I tried to make her apologize (where did my sweet girl go?!).  It wasn't till I threatened to not get ice cream that she straightened out.   The entire way home was a trip.  At this point they were both fussing and crying (cue the eye twitch) until Sloane all of a sudden fell asleep.  We went and picked up some ice cream anyways because at this point, there is no way I'm letting Sloane sleep since it's too close to bed time, and headed back to Nana Soup's house.  Waking Sloane up was a horrible. She was so upset because the poor baby was so tired.  She didn't want me to let her go.  She threw one of the biggest tantrums I've ever seen because mommy couldn't hold her.  Once I got Reese fed and myself for that matter, I finally got Sloane calmed down enough to eat her ice cream and Skype with daddy.  She sure does miss him.

Apparently it's true, ice cream fixes everything.  She was in better spirits so I ran out to the grocery store and left Nana Soup to watch Reese and feed Sloane dinner (because when you're on vacation, you are allowed to eat dessert before dinner).  Oh man… Kroger has never felt like a spa day, but the half hour I got running the aisles was enough to recharge.  I get home in time to save Nana Soup from complete insanity.  Apparently while I was gone, she fed Sloane dinner, and gave Reese some as well.  Well, she looked over and Reese was choking, so she went to pick her up only her arm was stuck.  Trying not to cuss in front of Sloane, or break Reese's are, she finally got her out and back breathing.  Reese was screaming and crying "Mama" as I walked in.  I nursed her and she calmed down but then it was Sloane's turn again.  Ugh.

This is getting old, so I'll cut to the chase.  My stinky little girls are both resting comfortably in bed and mommy and Nana are enjoying a glass of red.  Thinking all my twitching eye needed was a glass of Cab.